We are meeting at Lipstick Lounge in East Nashville on Monday March 24 at 6PM to discuss the first steps we can take together to bring this organization to life. Here, we will come together to introduce ourselves, get to know each other, discuss and plan upcoming volunteer events and collaborate on ideas regarding how Tennessee Tree Huggers can help protect and preserve out natural environment.
The Lipstick Lounge has graciously volunteered their space for us stating there is no need to purchase any food or drink during our time there, but by all means if you’d like to, please feel free!
Make sure to bring your phones, laptops, tablets or a pen & notebook to participate and share your ideas as well as any calendars or planners you may use to reference for planning future events together. Please remember this is an inclusive event, all are welcome here. It starts local, it starts small, you belong, and we need you!
Can’t wait to see you there!